Thyroid Cancer Stages, Symptoms, Causes and Stages | AMO

address Room 1311-1312, 13/F, Ocean Center, Harbour City, 5 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Thyroid cancer Information
Thyroid cancer Information

Thyroid cancer often occurs in people with normal thyroid function, therefore a detection of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism would indicate that the cancerous tumor has grown big enough to affect thyroid function and cancer cells might have begun migrating to other body organs. Most patients with thyroid cancer can be diagnosed in the early stage, resulting in a high cure rate and low death rate. However, regular follow-up tests are required as thyroid cancer develops slowly.

Thyroid cancer
Thyroid cancer symptoms
Thyroid cancer
  • Painless lump in the front of the neck
  • Difficulty swallowing or breathing
  • Persistent hoarse voice
  • Neck pain and sore throat
  • Persistent coughing with no sign of cold
Thyroid cancer risk factors
Thyroid cancer risk factors
  • Exposure to massive radiation at one time
  • Family or personal history of thyroid cancer
  • Insufficient intake of iodine in daily diet
  • Female aged 40 or over
Thyroid cancer
  • Blood test
  • Ultrasound/CT scan
  • Biopsy

Thyroidectomy, radiotherapy, traditional chemotherapy and targeted therapy.

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